We periodically have gatherings on the green across the street from our houses. Everyone brings food to share and the beverage of their choice. The last one we did was a Halloween costume cocktail party! What a hoot! Most of the women showed up in some kind of costume and some of the men did as well. Nedy organized the party and had a bunch of us come to her house for cookies and punch to plan the event and make decorations!
Some people may find all this togetherness a little much and prefer their privacy. That's OK, but if there is another hurricane season like we had in 04 and 05, I want to be with my Montebello neighbors through it! In '04, Bob and I were returning from Maine and heard about the storm. We stopped in St. Augustine on our way and it was like a ghost town. That was a really scary warning. After a nearly sleepless night Bob insisted that he wanted to be home. I guess he thought we could protect our house if anything happened. We stopped in a Winn Dixie on the way out of St. Augustine, bought a few (very few) supplies, gassed up and hit the road. We were driving south and saw the near standstill traffic driving north. What is wrong with this picture???? Well, we got home, stopped at the cash machine (They tell you to have cash 'cause the power could be out. What they don't mention is that the stores probably won't be open either!)
I digress...after the storm, Billie and some of the other neighbors pulled all the food out of their freezers and had a huge barbecue in their driveway. Anybody who stopped by got a burger, some ribs or whatever. It was incredible. A lot of screen enclosures got blown apart and trees were down. All the neighbors pitched in to remove the debris.
Anyway, in this season of thanksgiving, blessings and thoughtfulness, I'm so grateful for the folks in my neighborhood.