Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sleepy Sunday - Good Day to Curl Up With a Good Book

It may be called the "sunshine" state, but today looking outside you wouldn't be too sure where you were.

I started this month off with a bang! Bob reminds me I do not have a job but rather a "position". I think it's really more like a job in terms of time. BUT, that said, I love it. I feel useful and responsible and take my "position" very seriously. I guess that's always been my nature. If I say I'll do something, I do it. (Well, 99% of the time anyway!)

Anyway, I've had the pleasure and privilege of meeting numerous authors this month both as part of the library's huge annual event BookMania and at the Paula Poundstone show at the Lyric Theatre and other library events.

Paula is the national spokesperson for ALTAFF - the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Foundations and Friends. She donated a portion of the proceeds of her book sales to the friends groups in Martin County. Bob and I had the honor of being "literary escorts" (love the title) for Paulette Jiles author of The Color of Lightning, at the Library Foundation's signature event party the night before BookMania. I met Rakesh Satyal who wrote Blue Boy - charming and bright young man. Met and talked briefly with Katherine Howe author of The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. Got to hear Julie Metz author of Perfection (her memoir) and was moved to buy her book. Bob had a long chat with Neil White and bought his book In the Sanctuary of Outcasts (also a memoir).

Friday the library hosted Jessica Lynch who you might recall as one of the first POWs in the Iraq was. Jessica who is 26 years of age told a clear sometimes humorous and at other times heart wrenching story of her capture and subsequent rescue by American troops. Speaking to a packed house of at least 400 people, many vets older than her own grandparents, she left us all feeling inspired. What a woman! (Incidentally the book she was signing was written by Rick Bragg and is called I'm a Soldier Too.)

February will be all about fundraising to make it possible for our library to continue to offer its awesome programming free to the public. In these difficult economic times I want to thank everyone who reads this blog who has ever contributed to a public library. Libraries depend on tax dollars but they also depend on the financial and physical support of volunteers, advocates, friends and contributors. So, if you love books and libraries, keep up the good work!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Do I Really Need 42 Pairs of Shoes????

The answer to that question is NO! These shoes are going to Haiti thanks to Stephen Bonanno Sandals in Stuart, FL.
A long time ago I participated in a workshop in NYC and homelessness was our focus. What we learned was that what homeless people need, most of all, is shoes, sox and underwear.
Many of the people of Haiti are now homeless or nearly homeless having lost the physical structures and probably most of their "stuff". I hope this will give someone some small amount of momentary comfort. To reach Stephen Bonanno Sandals, call 772-219-7629. Thanks!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

This Week is Mostly About Books

First, Paula Poundstone will be appearing at the Lyric Theatre in Stuart on Thursday, January 21st for two shows. One at 6 and the second at 8:30. You might know her from the NPR news quiz program "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me". I'm not going to rewrite all her PR stuff here. You can "google" her or look her up on Facebook. But the Lyric Theatre in Stuart doesn't have a presence on Facebook. I wonder why? But I digress. Paula is also the national spokesperson for ALTAFF which means The Association of Library Trustees Advocates Friends & Foundations. Since I am NOW president of the Friends of the Blake Library in Stuart, INC., I am now also an ALTAFF member. (Our Friends group belongs.) Paula will be selling her book (There's nothing in this book I meant to say) and her CDs. Because she's an advocate and spokesperson, she's sharing the proceeds of book and CD sales with the Friends groups. So, I want you to come to the event and buy a book or a CD. Got it?

Then, Friday night I'll be at the Blake Library, yet again, but this time to enjoy a little Latin music, food and libation at the Foundation's annual party - this year the theme is Hot Havana Nights! before Bookmania on Saturday. Bookmania is an awesome event. The Blake Library hosts 25 well-known authors who talk about their work in a variety of contexts. For more information, go to: Details are available. Oh, by the way, Saturday is FREE!

Friday Bob and I will be Literary Escorts hosting an author. I guess we'll have to behave and not embibe too much. Hummmm...

Monday, January 4, 2010

"...we have the stars."

Good 'ol Bet Davis said those words at the end of the movie Now Voyager. I actually watched it (cause it was on PBS without commercial interruption) recently. Wow, they don't make movies like that anymore. Except for Charlotte's "weird" mother, I thought the rest of the movie could have occurred today. And, I absolutely loved the costumes, especially that lovely white and silver number. If you have been keeping up with me you know that I love costumes and dressing up.

So, why am I starting 2010 with something like this, you ask. I'll tell you why...Mercury is retrograde. (Stars/planets, get it?) For the uninitiated, this means that the planet Mercury, which rules all things related to communication and transportation, appears to be standing still in relationship to the rest of the planets and luminaries in the universe. When this occurs (which it does several times a year) all kinds of strange things happen. For example: people get stuck in elevators, trains are derailed, your airline flight is cancelled or seriously delayed, your computer stops working, your cable connection goes haywire. I'm sure you get the idea. It is also NOT a good time to sign contracts, make major life commitments, etc. So, in the interest of starting the year off positively, I'll suggest my future topics but you will need to come back to get the details. It is entirely possible that anything I write today will be incorrect. If you don't believe me, just watch for the next year and see for yourself. Meanwhile, January's retrograde will end on the 14th.

So, keep looking for Friends of the Blake Library, Library Night Owls, Book Mania, The Paula Poundstone event at the Lyric Theatre in Stuart (FL) to benefit the six Friends groups. I'll have news and maybe even some photos (unless my camera doesn't work) LOL!