Saturday, October 3, 2009

Conduit - Sheila

Stephanie Kimura calls me a "conduit" so I guess that's what I should call my blog. Besides 'six degrees of separation' is already taken. I guess most of my adult life I've been connecting people and never gave it much thought that is until Stephanie and I had a l o n g talk in Office Depot one Saturday. I'd been thinking about creating a blog for more than a year but somehow just couldn't get it together to get started. Then it hit me! There are so many talented people I meet or learn about that I believe I should share them with all of you.

I live in South Florida so a lot of the people I introduce you to will be from Florida but that is not the total extent of my universe - the world is my universe.

So, let me first introduce myself...

I’m married to a wonderful, remarkable man named Bob. He and I are a lot like bookends. We’re both Sagittarius’s and had both spent more than half of our lives living in New York before we met. He’s from Maine, I’m originally from Ohio. New York is right in the middle, more or less.

When Bob got the golden parachute handed to him, he wanted to retire to a place with a temperate climate and where he could play golf whenever he wanted. So, in April of 1997 we did our real estate tour of Florida and among the places we visited he brought me to Stuart where a number of his colleagues had retired. Spin the clock forward it’s now September, 1997 and the ax fell. He took the package and said sayonara. I put my co-op on the market and sold it in a day (much to my cat Emily’s relief – she hated having strangers peering at her while she pretended to be napping in her dresser drawer.) We packed up our books, our clothes, our art and not much else and headed south.

We took a long weekend in October and bought a townhouse. We also found a decorator who helped us put it together since we didn’t have a stick of furniture. Faye was interesting to work with. She had a very colorful staff!

When all was said and done, it’s now 1998, what’s girl to do with all this time on her hands????? Well, she can get a job, (or not). I chose to play tennis for a while. Later it was golf even though Bob told me he’d never play with me even if I got as good as Nancy Lopez! Can you imagine?! Well, in this life I won’t get that good and anyway, now I’m doing this.

That's it about me for now. I must tell you about Stephanie!

Till next time...

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